It's started.
I've been around kids my entire life so WHY would I think, however hopelessly, that MY preschooler would somehow pass over this phase, leaving me and my husband to blissfully talk to her, explaining things at our own pace??
It began this morning on our drive to school. In an attempt to divert her attention from my coffee cup (she was insisting I put it in the cup holder rather than hold it in my hand), I tried to turn her attention to some sprinklers watering flowers in a nearby subdivision.
"Look at the water!" I chirped.
"It's wet!", she replied.
"Sure is, baby", said I.
"But WHY Mommy?"
OMG. Did she say what I think she said? I thoughtlessly ignored it, hoping it would go away. ha!
"Why mommy? Why is it wet??"
I attempted to explain that the water feeds the flowers and helps them grow, blah, blah, blah...and she seemed satisfied.
But as all phases go, the pattern returned on our drive home. "Honey, we'll go to the park after we deliver the food to Dr. Rogers. I am going to finish cooking for him, OK?"
"But why?"
"Because Dr. Rogers is hungry, honey."
"But WHY?"
"Well, because he needs to eat to keep his body healthy honey. Just like you and I," I said.
"But mommy, WHY?"